Short course on production networks
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Network structures and measures
Part 3 – What do we know about production networks?
Part 4 – Aggregate fluctuations
Part 5 – Papers
Current (ULB)
Managerial Economics - ECONS462 (Ma), 2017–
Reading Group International Trade, (PhD, ULB), 2017–
Research Methods - ECONS517 (PhD, ULB), 2016–
Economics of European Integration - ECONS418 (Ma), 2016–
Introduction to Research Methods - ECONS302 (Ba), 2016–
Reproducibility and Data Methods for Economists (PhD), 2020–2021
2021: guest lectures by Rogayeh Tabrizi (CEO Theory & Practice), Joan Llull (data editor at the Economic Journal), and Shruti Kulkarni (data scientist at Phillips)
2020: Reproducible Research, Python and Github: all course info on Github
International Trade (Ma, UAntwerp), 2016–2017
Research Methods (Ba, KU Leuven), 2013–2014