Policy reports

  1. Socio-economic impact of MYRRHA - Scope 1 (2024)
    with Econopolis Group.

  2. Onderzoek naar de Impact van de Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) in Vlaanderen (2024)
    commissioned by VLAIO and the Flemish Government.
    with Joep Konings and Technopolis Group.

  3. Evaluatie Screen Flanders (2024)
    commissioned by VLAIO and the Flemish Government.
    with Joep Konings and Technopolis Group.

  4. Impactanalyse Relance Programma “Vlaamse Veerkracht” op de Vlaamse, Belgische en internationale economie (2023)
    commissioned by the Flemish Government, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen (STORE).
    with Joep Konings.

  5. Implementation of the Digital Credentials Program of Ontario Canada (2023)
    commissioned by Infrastructure Ontario.
    with Theory+Practice.

  6. Impactevaluatie VLAIO coronamaatregelen 2021 (2023)
    commissioned by VLAIO and the Flemish Government.
    with Joep Konings and Dieter Van Esbroeck.

  7. Het Belang van Strategische Sectoren in het Vlaamse Productienetwerk (2022)
    commissioned by the Flemish Government, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen (STORE).
    with Yannick Bormans and Joep Konings.

  8. De impact van Brexit op de Vlaamse economie (2022)
    commissioned by VLAIO and the Flemish Government.
    with Joep Konings and Technopolis Group.

  9. Evaluatie coronamaatregelen VLAIO (2021)
    commissioned by the Flemish Government.
    with Joep Konings and Technopolis Group.
    [Press release VRT] [Presentation Flemish Parliament (Dutch)]

  10. De impact van Covid-19 op tewerkstelling, productiviteit, en Bruto Regionaal Product in Vlaanderen (2021)
    commissioned by the Flemish Government, Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen (STORE).
    with Joep Konings.

  11. A Roadmap for Policy Choices after the Lock-down: the Role of Supply Chains, Networks and Key Strategic Sectors (2020)
    commissioned by the ECR of the European Parliament.
    with Basile Grassi and Joep Konings.

Invited feedback on reports

  1. Invited expert for the IMF country report Belgium (2023)

  2. Invited expert for the WTO World Trade Report (2023)