BELSPO - HAIOPOLICY (2023-2027) (881,000 euro)
Glenn Magerman (Lead Principal Investigator, ULB) and Joep Konings (Partner, KUL)
The goal of this project is to identify the effects of complex shocks to vulnerable groups, and to provide evidence-based policy recommendations to decision makers on how to support these vulnerable groups and how to make our economies more resilient to future shocks. This project is funded by BELSPO, the Belgian Federal Science Agency.
BELSPO - BE-PIN (2023-2027) (2,000,000 euro)
Niel Hens (Lead Principal Investigator, UHasselt)
BE-PIN sets the scientific and organisational foundations for a multidisciplinary, collaborative intelligence network capable of addressing future pandemic and epidemic risks. We work towards better access to data, more advanced analytical capacities, and tailored tools providing important insights for decision-making and communication at federal and regional levels.
FNRS - Projet Exceptionnel de Recherche (2021-2023) (250,000 euro)
Glenn Magerman (Lead Principal Investigator, ULB), Mathias Dewatripont (partner, ULB), Bram De Rock (partner, ULB)
This project studies the impact of COVID-19 and large shocks on the survival and reorganization of value chains, and its implications for efficiency and economic recovery. It contains three projects: (i) The survival of value chains in large economic downturns, (ii) The impact of large shocks with multidimensional heterogeneity, and (iii) The nature of matching costs, resilience and contracts.
ULB - Actions de Recherche Coordonnées (2020-2024) (260,000 euro)
Glenn Magerman (Principal Investigator, ULB)
This research agenda studies the existence and evolution of superstar firms in global and local value chains and production networks. Recent decades have reinforced the widespread existence of superstar firms. These “granular” firms are so large that they dominate whole industries and account for a significant fraction of aggregate output. Such firms can contribute to misallocation of resources, abuse of dominant position and stifle entry and innovation. Moreover, these firms are not isolated units of production: they are connected through complex production networks of suppliers and customers. Their impact is then often not confined to their respective industries, but can affect output and growth in several sectors and in the aggregate.
This raises several important social questions: what is the size and impact of misallocation and market power on welfare and the division of surplus? How should we regulate or stimulate such firms? How to intervene when these systemic firms collapse? This program will develop quantitative frameworks for the analysis of firm size, market power and competition policy in production networks on the intersection of theory, econometrics and machine learning.